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In 2010, I began working at the Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute at the National Hellenic Research Foundation in Athens, Greece. Previously, I spent two years at the National Technical University of Athens as the recipient of a Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant from the EU. Earlier, I spent one year at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a Postdoctoral Associate. I obtained my PhD in Applied Physics in 2006 from Harvard University and my BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens


Maria Kandyla

Senior Researcher

Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute

National Hellenic Research Foundation

48 Vasileos Constantinou Avenue

11635 Athens, Greece

Tel.: +30 210 7273802

Fax: +30 210 7273794

Email: kandyla[at]eie[dot]gr

My research focuses on the interaction of laser light with matter. I am interested in using laser pulses in order to prepare, study, and control extreme states of matter. Additionally, I investigate the use of laser pulses as a nanofabrication tool, in order to create thin-film photovoltaics, chemical sensors, photonic and optoelectronic nanodevices.  

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Our work on laser printing of conducting polymers has been highlighted at the MIT Technology Review (2012).

An interview with Tech Talks Central, addressing the general public about environmental, energy, and technological applications based on laser-matter interaction, during EU Researcher’s Night 2014.

A presentation addressing the general public about femtosecond laser technology and applications, during National Hellenic Research Foundation’s Science Public Lecture Series, 2013 (in Greek).

Μαρία Kάνδυλα

Our work on thin polymer films with reversible wettability was featured on the front cover of the Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics (2019).

Best 2020 European M.Sc. Thesis on Material Science and Engineering Award, by the Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS), to G. Chatzigiannakis (thesis advisor M. Kandyla).